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Toll Tax Management System


Toll Tax Management System is a web based application that can provide all the information related to toll plazas and the passenger checks in and pays the amount, then he/she will be provided by a receipt. With this receipt he/she can leave the toll booth without waiting for any verification call.

Project Name Toll Tax Management System Project in PHP
Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x
Database MySQL 5.x
Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA
Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone)

Admin Module

  • Dashboard: In this section, admin can see all details in brief like total number of staffs, total number of vehicle categories, total number of passes, total number of receipts, total vehicles entered today, yesterday, and in the last seven days, and total vehicle passes till now in the toll plaza.
  • Staff: In this section, admin can manage staff (add, update, and delete).
  • Vehicle Category: In this section, admin can manage vehicle categories (add, update, and delete).
  • Pass: In this section, admin can manage passes (add and update).
  • Receipt: In this section, admin can view receipts and print receipts made by staff.
  • Search Pass: In this section, admin can search for passes by pass ID, owner name, and vehicle number.
  • Search Receipt: In this section, admin can search for receipts by receipt ID, owner name, and vehicle number.
  • Reports of Pass: In this section, admin can view how many passes have been made in particular periods, counts of passes, and sales from making passes.
  • Reports of Receipt: In this section, admin can view how many receipts have been made in particular periods, counts of receipts, and sales from making receipts.
  • Admin can also update his profile, change password, and recover password.

Staff Module

  • Dashboard: Welcome page for staff.
  • Receipt: In this section, staff can manage receipts (add and update).
  • Search: In this section, admin can search for receipts by receipt ID.


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