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Real Estate Management System


Real Estate Management System Using PHP and MySQL is web-based application.This website is a Online real estate business website through which a user can access its information and manage all the adding, updating, deleting the assets and some of its tasks.

Project Name Real Estate Management System Project in PHP
Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x
Database MySQL 5.x
Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA
Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone)

Admin Module

  • Dashboard: In this section, admin can see all details in brief like total property types, countries, states, cities, agents, owners, buyers, and listed properties.
  • Property Type: In this section, admin can manage property types (add/update/delete).
  • Country: In this section, admin can manage countries (add/update/delete).
  • State: In this section, admin can manage states (add/update/delete).
  • City: In this section, admin can manage cities (add/update/delete).
  • Owner: In this section, admin can view details of property owners.
  • Agents: In this section, admin can view details of agents.
  • User: In this section, admin can view details of users (buyers).
  • List of Properties: In this section, admin can view details of listed properties (view and delete).
  • Reviews: In this section, admin can view, approve, disapprove, and delete reviews given by users.
  • Pages: In this section, admin can manage About Us and Contact Us pages.
  • Search Property: In this section, admin can search listed properties by property ID, name, and mobile number.
  • Admin can also update his profile, change password, and recover password.

Property Owner Module

  • Home Page: Owners can view the home page of the real estate management system.
  • About: Owners can view the About Us page.
  • Properties: Owners can view their own and other owners’ properties, filtered by property type, status, and city.
  • Contact Us: Owners can view the Contact Us page.
  • My Account: In this section, owners can edit their profile, change password, add properties, view their listed properties, view received enquiries, answer enquiries, and logout.

Brokers / Agents Module

  • Home Page: Agents can view the home page of the real estate management system.
  • About: Agents can view the About Us page.
  • Properties: Agents can view their own and other owners’ properties, filtered by property type, status, and city.
  • Contact Us: Agents can view the Contact Us page.
  • My Account: In this section, agents can edit their profile, change password, add properties, view their listed properties, view received enquiries, answer enquiries, and logout.

Buyer (Simple User) Module

  • Home Page: Users can view the home page of the real estate management system.
  • About: Users can view the About Us page.
  • Properties: Users can view properties, filtered by property type, status, and city, and submit enquiries against properties.
  • Contact Us: Users can view the Contact Us page.
  • My Account: In this section, users can edit their profile, change password, and logout


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