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Courier Management System


Courier Management System using PHP is a web-based application.This project deals with the Courier Management System. The system is used for daily activities such as booking a courier, courier history; maintain staff details, branch details. It is very difficult to do this process manually. Hence it is recommended to computerize the process by developing the relative software as the world is turning into information and technology; computerization becomes a necessity in all walks of life.

Project Name Courier Management System(CMS)
Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x
Database> MySQL 5.x
Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA
Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone)
Last Updated 28 Dec 2023

In this project, we use PHP and MySQL database. It has three modules:

  1. Admin Module
  2. Staff Module
  3. User Module

Admin Module

  • Dashboard: In this section, admin can see all details in brief like total courier, Total Courier Pickup, Total Shipped, Total In-transit, Total Courier arrived at destination, Total courier out for delivery, and Total delivered courier.
  • Branches: In this section, admin can manage branches (add, update, and delete).
  • Staffs: In this section, admin can manage Staffs (add, update, and delete).
  • Courier: In this section, admin can view courier status and check the courier detail which is filled by staff of different branches.
  • Complaints: In this section, admin can view the complaints raised by the user and also provide solutions for those complaints.
  • Pages: In this section, Admin can update the about us and contact us page data.
  • Enquiry: In this section, Admin can view the enquiries raised by the user.
  • Reports: In this section, admin can view courier details, courier counts, and sales report according to dates.
  • Admin can also update his profile, change password, and recover password.

Staff Module

  • Dashboard: In this section, staffs can see all details in brief like total courier, Total Courier Pickup, Total Shipped, Total In-transit, Total Courier arrived at destination, Total courier out for delivery, and Total delivered courier.
  • Add Courier: In this section, staffs fill the courier detail of parcel.
  • Status: In this section, staffs can view the courier details and they have also right to change courier status according to current status.
  • Search Courier: In this section, staffs can search particular courier with the help of tracking number/reference number.
  • Staffs can also update their profile, change password, and recover password.

User Module

In this module, users can view current delivery status of their parcel and also view the different branches of Courier Company.

  • About Us: In this section, User can read about us information.
  • Branch: In this section, users can view the different branches of Courier Company.
  • Complaints: In this section, users can raise a complaint against their reference number and also check the status of the complaint.
  • Contact: In this section, users can view the contact details of the courier company and also raise an enquiry.


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