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Local Services Search Engine Management System


Local Services Search Engine Management System (LSSEMS) is a web-based application aimed at assisting users in locating service providers within their local area, such as maids, tuition teachers, plumbers, and more. The project consists of two main modules: admin and user.


Local Services Search Engine Management System (LSSEMS) is a web-based application aimed at assisting users in locating service providers within their local area, such as maids, tuition teachers, plumbers, and more. The project consists of two main modules: admin and user.

Local Services Search Engine Management System Project Requirement

Project Name Local Services Search Engine Management System
Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x
Database MySQL 5.x
Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA
Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone)

Project Modules

This project utilizes PHP and MySQL and comprises two primary modules: Admin and User.


1. Admin Setting: In this section, admins have the capability to update their profile details, change their passwords, and log out of their accounts.

2. Dashboard: In this section, the admin can quickly access the total number of categories and the total number of users.

3. Service Category: The administration section provides tools to manage categories, including the ability to add new categories or update existing ones.

4. Person List: Within this segment, administrators wield the power to handle individuals, encompassing the functionalities to add, update, or delete them as needed.

5. Pages: In this section, administrators have the capability to oversee and modify the content of both the “About Us” and “Contact Us” pages.


1. Home Page: Visitors can access the homepage to browse serviceman details organized by category.

2. Categories: Users have the option to access serviceman details categorized by their respective service categories.

3. About Us: The user examines the website’s particulars.

4. Contact Us: Users have the option to get in touch with the website administrator.


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