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Job Portal Project


Online Job portal system is an application which connects employers and job seekers where employers are the source of the resources and the job seeker can find and apply for their targeted job.
In Online Job portal system we use PHP and MySQL database. This is the project which keeps records of the employer, jobseeker and administrator. The online Job portal system has three modules i.e. Jobseeker, Employer and Admin.

Project Name Job Portal
Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x
Database MySQL 5.x
Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA
Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone)

Admin Module

  • Dashboard: Provides an overview of the system with total job categories, employers, candidates, and jobs.
  • Job Category: Manages job categories (adding, updating, and deleting).
  • List of Employers: Views and details of registered employers.
  • Reg Jobseeker: Views and details of registered jobseekers.
  • Pages: Manages “About Us” and “Contact Us” content.
  • Reports: Generates reports on employer and candidate registrations within a date range.
  • Search: Enables searching for specific employers (by company name) and candidates (by mobile number).
  • Profile Management: Allows the admin to update profile information, change password, and recover a forgotten password.

Employer Module

  • Jobs: Posts and manages job vacancies, including updating details as needed.
  • Candidates List: Views a list of applicants for posted jobs and allows sending messages to selected candidates.
  • Reports: Generates reports on the number of applicants for specific jobs within a period.
  • Profile Management: Allows the employer to update profile information, change password, and recover a forgotten password.

Jobseeker Module

  • Home: Browses and applies for jobs posted by employers.
  • Applied Jobs: Tracks the status of applications submitted for various jobs.
  • About Us and Contact Us: Provides access to website information pages.


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