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Online Dance Classes Registration


Welcome to our platform for online dance classes registration! We offer an exciting opportunity for individuals of all ages to explore the world of dance from the comfort of their own homes. Our expert instructors bring a wealth of experience and passion to every class, ensuring that you receive top-notch training regardless of your skill level.


Project Name Online Dance Classes Registration System Project
Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x
Database MySQL 5.x
Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA
Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone)


  • Profile: In this section, admin can update his/her profile, Change password, and logout.
  • Dashboard: In this section, admin can briefly view total classes, total teacher, total registration, total selected registration, total rejected registration, and total new registration.
  • Classes: In this section, admin can manage classes (Add/Update/Delete).
  • Teachers: In this section, admin can manage teachers (Add/Update).
  • Pages: In this section, admin can manage about us and contact us pages.
  • Registration: In this section, admin can view new, accepted, rejected registration and also give a remark.
  • Report: In this section, admin can view the sales details and check registration details in a particular period.
  • Invoice: In this section, admin can view and manage the invoice.
  • Search Registration: In this section, admin can search registration details with the help of his/her registration number.
  • Search Invoice: In this section, admin can search invoice details with the help of his/her registration number.
  • User: (not need to register himself)


  • Home: Users can visit the website and check the detail of dance classes.
  • Classes: In this section, the user can view detail of dance classes and registration dance classes.
  • About Us: Users can see the details of the website administrator.
  • Contact Us: Users can see the contact detail and contact with the website administrator.
  • Team: In this section, user can view detail of the team.
  • Registration: In this section, user can register for dance class.


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