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SPRWORK Infosolutions

Curfew e-Pass Management System


The Curfew Pass Management System is a web-based technology designed to efficiently handle records of passes issued by administrative authorities. It operates as an automated system, ensuring rapid data processing in a well-organized manner.


The Curfew Pass Management System is a web-based technology designed to efficiently handle records of passes issued by administrative authorities. It operates as an automated system, ensuring rapid data processing in a well-organized manner.

CPMS utilizes PHP and MySQL database for its implementation. This project is dedicated to maintaining records of passes issued by administrative authorities. CPMS consists of one module, namely admin, which facilitates efficient management of pass records.

Curfew e-Pass Management System Project Requirement

Project Name Curfew e-Pass Management System
Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x
Database MySQL 5.x
Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA
Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone)

Dashboard: In this section, the admin can get an overview of the total number of categories and the number of passes generated within the current day, yesterday, and the last seven days, providing valuable insights into pass issuance trends over time.

Category: In this section, the admin has the authority to manage categories by adding new ones or updating existing ones as necessary, ensuring the system remains flexible and adaptable to changing requirements.

Add Pass: In this section, the admin can add new passes to the system, entering relevant details and ensuring accurate record-keeping for each pass issued.

Manage Pass: In this section, the admin has the capability to update pass details as needed and can also print the pass for documentation or distribution purposes.

Reports: In this section, the admin can generate pass reports by specifying a start date and an end date, allowing for the extraction of pass-related data within the specified time range for analysis or documentation purposes.

Search: In this section, administrators have the capability to search for a specific pass using its unique pass number, facilitating efficient access to the desired pass details.

Add Pass: In this section, the admin can add new passes to the system, entering relevant details and ensuring accurate record-keeping for each pass issued.

Manage Pass: In this section, the admin has the capability to update pass details as needed and can also print the pass for documentation or distribution purposes.

Admins also have the option to update their profiles, change their passwords, and recover forgotten passwords, ensuring secure and convenient access to the system.

Brief Information about homepage

User can visit home page and search pass details by entering pass number.

Note: This project employs the MD5 encryption method to secure passwords, ensuring that user credentials are stored in a hashed format for enhanced security.


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