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SPRWORK Infosolutions

Dairy Farm Shop Management System


The Dairy Farm Shop Management System (DFSMS) is a web-based application accessible via the internet. It serves to automate the operational processes of dairy shops, including the generation of invoices.


The Dairy Farm Shop Management System (DFSMS) is a web-based application accessible via the internet. It serves to automate the operational processes of dairy shops, including the generation of invoices.

The project is designed with a distributed architecture, featuring centralized database storage. MySQL Server is utilized for data storage, while PHP technologies are employed for designing all user interfaces. Database connectivity is established through the “MySQL Connection” methodology. Emphasis is placed on implementing robust security measures and data protection mechanisms. The application encompasses various modules and associated reports, adhering to administrative standards and strategies.

Dairy Farm Shop Management System Project Requirement

Project Name Dairy Farm Shop Management System
Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x
Database MySQL 5.x
Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA
Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone)

Project Modules

Dairy Farm Shop Management System is a web-based application which manages the products of dairy shop. It has one module i.e. admin who manages all the functions of the dairy shop.

Admin Features :

Dashboard: In this section, the admin can access a summarized overview of key metrics, including the total number of categories, companies, and products listed, as well as sales data.

Category: This section enables the admin to manage categories by adding new ones, as well as editing or deleting existing categories.

Company: In this section, the admin has the ability to add new companies and also modify or delete existing company entries as necessary.

Product: In this section, the admin has the capability to add new products and make edits to existing product entries.

Search: In this section, the admin can utilize a search feature to locate products, add them to the cart, and generate invoices or receipts accordingly.

Invoices: In this section, the admin can access a comprehensive list of all generated invoices or receipts for reference and management purposes.

Reports: In this section, the admin can generate two types of reports: one based on a specified date range, and another focused on sales data.

Admin can also update his profile, change the password and recover the password.


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