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Food Ordering System


An online food ordering system is a web-based application that stimulates the foodies (customers) to put food orders through internet by. This application is based on the Open Source platform.

Project Name Food Ordering System
Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x
Database MySQL 5.x
Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA
Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone)

Admin Module

  • Dashboard: In this section, admin can see all details in brief such as total orders, not confirmed orders, confirmed orders, total food being prepared, total food pickups, total food deliveries, total canceled orders, and total users.
  • Registered Users: In this section, admin can manage registered users (view/update).
  • Food Category: In this section, admin can manage food categories (add, delete, and update).
  • Food Menu: In this section, admin can manage the food menu (add, delete, and update).
  • Orders: In this section, admin can view food order details and change order status according to the current status.
  • Search Order: In this section, admin can search for a particular order using the order number.
  • Reports: In this section, admin can view order details, order counts, and sales reports according to dates.
  • Admin can also update his profile, change the password, and recover the password.

User Module

  1. Food Menu: In this section, users can view the available food items in restaurants.
  2. My Account: In this section, users can update their password, view and update their profile, view order history, and log out from their accounts.
  3. Cart: In this section, users can add food items they wish to order and delete already added food items.
  4. Order Management: Users have the facility to download their invoice and cancel orders if desired. They will receive an email whenever they make an order and also get email notifications on every order update by admin.


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