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Online College Assignment


EduAssign is an advanced Online College Assignment System designed to streamline and enhance the assignment management process for colleges and universities. Built using PHP and MySQL, EduAssign provides a comprehensive platform for students, teachers, and administrators to efficiently manage assignments, submissions, grading, and feedback.

Project Name Online College Assignment System
Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x
Database MySQL 5.x
Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA
Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone)

In this project, we utilize PHP and MySQL database. It consists of three modules:

Admin Module

  • Dashboard: Admin can get an overview including total courses, subjects, and teachers.
  • Course Management: Admin can manage courses (add/update/delete).
  • Subject Management: Admin can manage subjects (add/update/delete).
  • Teacher Management: Admin can manage teachers (add/update).
  • Announcement/News: Admin can add and delete announcements/news.
  • Uploaded Assignments: Admin can view checked and unchecked assignments uploaded by students and reviewed by teachers.
  • Search: Admin can search uploaded assignments by teacher name, assignment number, and subject name.
  • Reports: Admin can view uploaded assignment reports within a particular period.
  • Profile Management: Admin can update their profile, change password, and recover the password.

Teacher Module

  • Dashboard: Teachers can see an overview including total students (enrolled in their courses), assignments, and announcements.
  • Assignment Management: Teachers can manage assignments (add/update).
  • Uploaded Assignments: Teachers can view checked and unchecked assignments uploaded by students and reviewed by them.
  • Subject-wise Reports: Teachers can view assignment reports by subject within specific periods.
  • Registered Users (Students): Teachers can view details of students registered in their courses.
  • Profile Management: Teachers can update their profile, change password, and recover the password.

User Module

  • Dashboard: Users (students) can view notices announced by their course teachers.
  • Assignment Submission: Users (students) can submit their assignments and check their status (checked or unchecked).
  • Profile Management: Users (students) can update their profile, change password, and recover the password.


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