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SPRWORK Infosolutions

Vehicle Parking Management System


The Vehicle Parking Management System is a web-based solution designed to efficiently manage records of incoming and outgoing vehicles within a parking facility. With its user-friendly interface, administrators can easily retrieve data by searching vehicle records via their registration numbers. This automated system ensures rapid data processing, facilitating seamless management of parking operations. By leveraging advanced technology, the system maintains records systematically, enabling swift access to information whenever needed. Additionally, it enhances security and accuracy by digitally recording vehicle movements and providing real-time monitoring capabilities. Overall, the Vehicle Parking Management System streamlines parking management processes, optimizes operational efficiency, and enhances the overall experience for both administrators and users.


The Vehicle Parking Management System is a web-based solution designed to efficiently manage records of incoming and outgoing vehicles within a parking facility. With its user-friendly interface, administrators can easily retrieve data by searching vehicle records via their registration numbers. This automated system ensures rapid data processing, facilitating seamless management of parking operations. By leveraging advanced technology, the system maintains records systematically, enabling swift access to information whenever needed. Additionally, it enhances security and accuracy by digitally recording vehicle movements and providing real-time monitoring capabilities. Overall, the Vehicle Parking Management System streamlines parking management processes, optimizes operational efficiency, and enhances the overall experience for both administrators and users.

Vehicle Parking Management System Project Requirement

Project Name Vehicle Parking Management system
Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x
Database MySQL 5.x
Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA
Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone)

Vehicle Parking Management System using use PHP and MySQL

The Vehicle Parking Management System (VPMS) is built using PHP and MySQL database technologies. This project serves to maintain comprehensive records of vehicles entering and exiting a parking area. VPMS consists of two primary modules: Admin and User.


Dashboard: In this section, administrators can quickly review the number of vehicle entries within a specific time frame, providing a concise overview of parking activity during that period.

Category: In this section, administrators have the ability to manage categories by adding, updating, or deleting them as needed, ensuring efficient organization and customization within the system.

Add Vehicle: In this section, administrators can add vehicles that are about to park, facilitating smooth entry and registration into the parking system.

Manage Vehicle: In this section, administrators have the capability to manage both incoming and outgoing vehicles, allowing them to add parking charges and provide remarks as needed for efficient record-keeping and billing purposes.

Reports: In this section, administrators can generate vehicle entry reports by specifying a start and end date, enabling them to retrieve comprehensive records of vehicles entering the parking facility within the selected timeframe.

Search:In this section, administrators can conveniently search for a specific vehicle by its parking number, ensuring quick access to relevant information within the system.

Admins have the capability to update their profiles, change passwords, and recover passwords if necessary, ensuring secure and personalized access to the system.


Dashboard: It is welcome page for a user.

View Vehicle: In this section, users can access and view the details of vehicle parking that they have initiated, providing them with convenient access to their parking history and associated information.

Users have the option to update their profiles, change passwords, and recover passwords if needed, ensuring personalized and secure access to their accounts.


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