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Vehicle Rental Management System


The Vehicle Rental Management System is a comprehensive web-based application developed using PHP and MySQL. It serves as a platform for managing vehicle rental services efficiently. This system caters to both administrators and users, providing them with the necessary tools to handle various aspects of vehicle rental operations.

Project Name Vehicle Rental Management System Project in PHP
Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x
Database MySQL 5.x
Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA
Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone)

User Module

  • Guest Users:
    • Home Page: Users can see the listed vehicles on the home page.
    • About Us: Users can view the about us page.
    • Vehicle: Users can view the total two-wheeler and four-wheeler vehicles in detail.
    • Contact Us: Users can view the contact us page.
    • Login/Register: Guest users can register themselves.
  • Registered Users:
    • Home Page: Users can see the listed vehicles on the home page.
    • About Us: Users can view the about us page.
    • Vehicle: Users can view the total two-wheeler and four-wheeler vehicles in detail.
    • Contact Us: Users can view the contact us page.
    • My Booking: Users can view the details of their bookings, including status, cost, and print invoices.
    • My Account: Users can update their profile, change passwords, and recover passwords.


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