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Blood Bank & Donor Management System


The Blood Bank and Donor Management System is a crucial web-based application designed to facilitate the process of blood donation and distribution. Individuals willing to donate blood can easily register within the Blood Bank application, providing their details and blood type.


The Blood Bank and Donor Management System is a crucial web-based application designed to facilitate the process of blood donation and distribution. Individuals willing to donate blood can easily register within the Blood Bank application, providing their details and blood type.

For those in need of blood, the system offers a user-friendly search feature where they can input their blood type and city. Upon searching, the system matches the requirements with registered donors in the same city who have the corresponding blood group. If a suitable donor is found, the requester can access detailed information about the donor, including contact details and availability.

Project Modules

In this projects, we use PHP and Mysql and it contains two modules i.e Admin and Donor.

Admin Module:

Dashboard: In this section, the admin has access to a comprehensive overview of key details within the Blood Bank and Donor Management System.

Blood Group: In this section, the admin possesses the capability to manage blood groups effectively by adding or deleting them from the Blood Bank and Donor Management System. This feature allows the admin to maintain an accurate and up-to-date inventory of available blood types within the system.

Donor List: In this section, the admin has the authority to oversee and manage the list of donors within the Blood Bank and Donor Management System. This functionality empowers the admin to maintain the integrity of the donor database and safeguard the privacy and security of donor information.

Manage Contact us Query: In this section, the admin holds the authority to manage user queries effectively within the Blood Bank and Donor Management System. This feature facilitates streamlined communication and prompt response to inquiries, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Manage Pages: In this section, the admin possesses the authority to manage website pages within the Blood Bank and Donor Management System. This functionality enables the admin to oversee and modify the content of various pages to ensure accuracy, relevance, and alignment with organizational goals.

Update Contact info: In this section, the admin holds the capability to update the contact details featured on the website within the Blood Bank and Donor Management System. This functionality ensures that users can easily access accurate and up-to-date contact information for inquiries, support, or assistance.

Request Received by Donor: In this section, the admin has multifaceted control over the Blood Bank and Donor Management System, facilitating efficient management and ensuring account security.

User Module:

Home: Its is welcome page for users and donor. If any users want to donate the blood they must register with us.

About Us: Users can view the about us page.

Contact Us: Users have the option to connect with the admin through the Contact Us page.

Donor List: Users have the capability to browse and connect with registered donors through the Blood Bank and Donor Management System.

Search Donor: Users have the capability to search for donors based on specific criteria such as city and blood group within the Blood Bank and Donor Management System.

Registered Users(Donor):

Home: It is a welcome page for users and donors. If any users want to donate their blood they must register with us.

About Us: Users can view the about us page.

Contact Us: Users have the option to reach out to the admin through the Contact Us page within the Blood Bank and Donor Management System.

Donor List: Users can view and contact with donor.

Search Donor: Users are empowered to search for donors based on specific criteria such as city and blood group within the Blood Bank and Donor Management System.

My Account:

  • Profile
  • Change Password
  • Request Received
  • Logout

Donor can also update their profile, change their password and recover their password.


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