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SPRWORK Infosolutions

Hospital Management System


The Hospital Management System project encompasses patient registration, enabling the storage of their information within the system. It provides a unique identifier for each patient and stores comprehensive details for easy access and management.


Hospital Management System Introduction

Hospital Management System In PHP is web baes application.

The Hospital Management System project encompasses patient registration, enabling the storage of their information within the system. It provides a unique identifier for each patient and stores comprehensive details for easy access and management.

Access to the Hospital Management System is restricted via a username and password, ensuring security. Only authorized administrators can input data into the database. Retrieval of data is made effortless, facilitated by a user-friendly interface. Robust protection measures are in place to safeguard personal information, facilitating efficient data processing.

Project Modules

The Hospital Management System is a web application designed to efficiently manage doctors and patients within the hospital setting. Developed using PHP and MySQL database, the project comprises three main modules, which include:

  • Admin module
  • User module
  • Doctor module

Admin module:

1. Dashboard: In this section, the administrator has the capability to view information regarding patients, doctors, appointments, and new queries.
2. Doctors: In this section, the administrator has the authority to add doctor specializations and manage doctors, including options to add or update their information.
3. Users: In this section, the administrator can access and review user details, specifically those who have booked appointments online. Additionally, the administrator has the authority to delete any irrelevant user records.
4. Patients: In this section, the administrator has the ability to view comprehensive details of patients.
5. Appointment History: In this section, the administrator can access the appointment history, allowing them to review past appointments.
6. Contact us Queries: In this section, the administrator can review queries sent by users.
7. Doctor Session Logs: In this section, the administrator can monitor the login and logout times of doctors.
8. User Session Logs: In this section, the administrator can track the login and logout times of users.
9. Reports: In this section, the administrator can generate and view reports of patients within specific time periods.
10. Patient Search: In this section, the administrator can review queries sent by users.

Admin can also change his/her own password.

User module (patient):

1. Dashboard: In this section, patients can view their profile, appointments, and book appointments.
2. Book Appointment: In this section, patients can schedule their appointments.
3. Appointment History: In this section, patients can view their appointment history.
4. Medical History: In this section, patients have the ability to review their personal appointment records.

User can update his/her profile, change the password and recover the password.

Doctor module:

1. Dashboard: In this section, the doctor can access their own profile and view their scheduled online appointments.
2. Appointment History: In this section, the doctor can review the appointment history of their patients.
3. Patients: In this section, the doctor has the ability to manage patients, including adding new patients and updating existing patient information.
4. Search: In this section, the doctor can search for patients using their name or mobile number for quick and efficient access to patient records.

In this section, the doctor has the option to update their profile information, change their password, and initiate the password recovery process if needed.


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