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Beauty Parlour Management System


The “Beauty Parlor Management System” is a web-based application designed to streamline appointment scheduling between the salon and its clients. Through this platform, clients can conveniently book appointments online, while salon administrators have the authority to approve or cancel these appointments.


The “Beauty Parlor Management System” is a web-based application designed to streamline appointment scheduling between the salon and its clients. Through this platform, clients can conveniently book appointments online, while salon administrators have the authority to approve or cancel these appointments.

This system serves as an interface that facilitates communication and coordination between the salon and its clientele. Clients can easily schedule appointments at their convenience, eliminating the need for phone calls or in-person bookings. On the other hand, salon administrators have the flexibility to manage the appointment schedule efficiently, ensuring optimal utilization of resources and staff availability.

Overall, the “Beauty Parlor Management System” enhances the booking process, improves customer experience, and facilitates smoother operations for salon administrators.

Beauty Parlour Management System Project Requirement

Project Name Beauty Parlour Management System Project in PHP
Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x
Database MySQL 5.x
Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA
Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone)

Project Modules

In this project, we use PHP and Mysql database. It has two modules, admin and user.


1. Dashboard: In the administrative section of the beauty parlor management system, a concise and comprehensive overview is provided, encapsulating vital metrics essential for effective decision-making and performance evaluation. Admins gain access to key statistics such as the total number of customers served, reflecting the salon’s reach and clientele base.

2. Services: In this section, the admin holds the reins for managing the array of services provided by the parlor, with functionalities to both add new services and update existing ones. This ensures that the service offerings remain aligned with evolving customer preferences and industry trends, thereby enhancing the parlor’s competitiveness and appeal.

3. Pages: The section titled “Manage About Us and Contact Us Pages” allows the admin to oversee and edit the content of these crucial sections on the website.

4. Appointment: The “Appointments Management” section empowers the admin to access detailed information regarding appointments. Within this interface, the admin possesses the authority to review appointment details comprehensively. Additionally, they can exercise discretion by either approving or rejecting appointments based on various factors such as availability, relevance, or priority. This functionality ensures efficient scheduling and management of appointments according to the organization’s needs and policies.

5. Enquiry: In the “Enquiry Management” section, the admin can review inquiries submitted by users. This feature enables the admin to read through the messages, questions, or feedback sent by users. It provides a centralized platform for managing and responding to inquiries effectively, facilitating communication between the organization and its users or customers.

6. Customer List: In the “Customer Management” section, the admin can access and review the list of customers. This functionality allows the admin to view details such as customer names, contact information, and service history. Furthermore, the admin can assign specific services to customers and generate invoices for the services they have availed. This feature streamlines the process of managing customer relationships and billing, enhancing overall efficiency in service delivery and financial transactions.

7. Reports: In this section, the admin can access detailed information about users and sales within specific time intervals. This functionality allows the admin to review user profiles and analyze sales data over defined periods. By gaining insights into user behavior and sales performance, the admin can make informed decisions to optimize strategies and improve overall business performance.

8. Invoice: This section displays the complete list of invoices viewed by the admin. It provides a comprehensive overview of all invoices generated within the system. This functionality allows the admin to easily track and manage the financial transactions associated with the provided services or products.

9. Search Appointment: In this section, the admin has the capability to search for appointments using either the appointment number or the contact number associated with the appointment. This functionality streamlines the process of locating specific appointments within the system, providing efficiency in managing scheduling and customer interactions.

10. Search Invoice: In this section, the admin possesses the ability to search for invoices using the invoice number. This feature facilitates the quick and precise retrieval of specific invoices within the system, streamlining administrative tasks related to managing financial records and transactions.

Admin can also update his profile, change password and recover password.


One time registration is required for an appointment.

Home Page: User can visit website.

Services: Users can browse through the services offered by the beauty parlor on the website. This enables users to familiarize themselves with the range of services available, including hair styling, skincare treatments, manicures, pedicures, and more.

About Us: Users can view detailed information about the beauty parlor on the website. This includes information such as the parlor’s location, operating hours, services offered, pricing, and any special promotions or events. This allows users to learn more about the beauty parlor and make informed decisions about visiting or booking appointments.

Contact Us: Users have the option to contact the beauty parlor through the website. This may include providing contact information such as phone numbers, email addresses, or a contact form. By reaching out to the beauty parlor, users can inquire about services, schedule appointments, ask questions, or provide feedback.

Book Salon: In this section, registered users have the capability to book appointments with the beauty parlor. This functionality allows users to select their desired date and time for appointments, choose specific services they wish to receive, and provide any additional preferences or notes. By booking appointments through the website, users can conveniently schedule their visits to the beauty parlor.

Profile: In this section, users can access and view their profiles on the website. This functionality allows users to review and update their personal information, such as contact details, preferences, and appointment history. By accessing their profiles, users can ensure that their information is accurate and up-to-date, enhancing their overall experience on the website.

Setting: In this section, users have the ability to change their passwords for their accounts on the website. This functionality ensures that users can maintain the security of their accounts by periodically updating their passwords as needed.

Booking History: In this section, users can check the status of their appointments. This feature allows users to see if their appointments are confirmed, pending, or canceled. By accessing this information, users can stay informed about their scheduled appointments and make any necessary adjustments to their plans.

Invoice History: In this section, users can access and view their invoices. This functionality allows users to review details of their past transactions, including the services availed, dates, and amounts paid. By accessing their invoices, users can keep track of their financial records and ensure accuracy in billing.

Logout: User can logout from their account.


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