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Campus Recruitment Management System


Campus Selection System is a platform that provide interface between students and company.
System provides the list of suitable companies to the students, according to their educational qualification, experience and their preferences.
System provides the list of eligible students from a pool according to required skill for vacancy of company.

Project Name Campus Recruitment Management System (CRMS)
Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x
Database MySQL 5.x
Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA
Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone)

Project Modules:

Campus Recruitment Management System is a project designed to streamline the hiring process for companies and provide candidates with an easy way to apply for various job opportunities. The system is developed using PHP and MySQL database and comprises three main modules:

1. Admin:

  • Dashboard: Provides an overview of key metrics such as Total Registered Companies, Total Registered Users (Candidates), and Total Vacancies Listed.
  • Total Registered Company: Allows the admin to view detailed information about registered companies.
  • Total Registered Users: Provides insights into registered users’ details.
  • Pages: Enables management of static pages like ‘About Us’ and ‘Contact Us’.
  • Reports: Allows the admin to generate reports on the number of registered companies and vacancies listed within specific time periods.
  • Profile Management: Admin can update their profile, change passwords, and recover lost passwords.

2. Company:

  • Dashboard: Offers a snapshot of important metrics including Total Applications Received, New Applications, Selected Applications, and Rejected Applications.
  • Post Vacancy: Allows companies to manage job postings by adding and editing vacancies.
  • Job Application: Enables companies to review applications, sort them, and send notifications to candidates regarding the status of their applications.
  • Reports: Provides insights into job postings and application trends over specific periods.
  • Profile Management: Companies can update their profiles, change passwords, receive notifications about new applications, and recover lost passwords.

3. User:

Guest User:

  • Home Page: Displays the latest job postings.
  • About Us: Provides information about the project.
  • Listed Jobs: Allows users to view all available job listings.
  • Contact Us: Offers contact information.
  • Candidate Registration: Allows guest users to register as candidates.

Registered User:

  • Home Page: Displays the latest job postings.
  • About Us: Provides information about the project.
  • Listed Jobs: Allows users to view all available job listings.
  • Contact Us: Offers contact information.
  • User Dashboard: Provides access to various functionalities:
    • View Applied Jobs: Displays jobs applied for today, yesterday, in the last seven days, and total applied jobs.
    • Education Forms: Enables users to fill out their educational details.
    • View Vacancies: Allows users to browse job vacancies and apply for them.
    • Applied Jobs History: Shows a history of applied jobs and responses from companies.
    • Reports: Allows users to generate reports on applied jobs within specific time periods.
    • Job Search: Enables users to search for jobs based on titles.
  • Profile Management: Users can update their profiles, change passwords, receive notification messages from companies, and recover lost passwords.


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