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Crime Record Management System


The Crime Record Management System has been designed to override the problem of existing manual system. This web application is supported to eliminate and in some case reduce the hardship faced by manual system. The application is reduced as much as possible to avoid errors while entering the data. Its also provide message while entering invalid data. No formal knowledge is required for the user to operate this system. Overall we said that Crime Record Management System is user-friendly.

Project Name Crime Record Management System Project
Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x
Database MySQL 5.x
Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA
Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone)

Police Module

  • Dashboard: In this section, police can briefly view the total number of new FIR, total approved FIR, total cancelled FIR, total FIR sent for charge sheet, total completed charge sheet, and total criminals.
  • Criminals: In this section, police can manage criminals (add/update/delete).
  • FIR: In this section, police receive the FIR request which is sent by the user and also have the right to update the status of FIR according to the current status.
  • Charge sheet: In this section, police generate the charge sheet of received FIRs.
  • Report: In this section, police can view the number of criminals and how many FIR is registered in a particular period.
  • Search: In this section, police can search criminals and FIR details with the help of Criminal ID and FIR number respectively.
  • Police can also update their profile, change the password, and recover the password.

User (Who filed the FIR online)

User Module

  • Dashboard: It is a welcome page for users.
  • FIR Form: In this section, users can file the FIR.
  • FIR History: In this section, users can view the status of filed FIR which is responded by the police station.


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