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Employee Leaves Management System


The Employee Leave Management System (ELMS) is an Intranet-based application accessible throughout the organization or specific departments/groups. It automates the workflow of leave applications and approvals.


The Employee Leave Management System (ELMS) is an Intranet-based application accessible throughout the organization or specific departments/groups. It automates the workflow of leave applications and approvals.

The project has been designed with a distributed architecture, featuring centralized database storage. MySQL Server is utilized for data storage, and all user interfaces are developed using PHP technologies. Database connectivity is established using the “MySQL Connection” methodology.

Employee Leaves Management System Requirement

Project Name Employee Leaves Management System -ELMS
Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x
Database MySQL 5.x
Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA
Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone)

Employee leave management system(ELMS) divided into two modules :

1. Employee module

2. Admin module

Admin Module details
  • Admin has the ability to Add/Update/Delete Leave Types and Departments
  • Admin can Add or Update Employee Information and can Activate or Block Employees
  • Admin can Manage Leave Applications by Approving or Rejecting Them
  • Admin Receives Notifications Every Time an Employee Applies for Leave
  • Admin has the option to Change Their Own Password After Logging In
  • Admin has Access to Admin Dashboard
Employee Module
  • Employees Can Log In Using a Valid Email and Password
  • Employees Can Update Their Profile
  • Employees Applied for leave
  • Access Leave History
  • Change his/ her password
  • Password Recovery using Valid Email and Employee ID


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