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SPRWORK Infosolutions

Online Birth Certificate System


An Online Birth Certificate System effectively manages and maintains accurate records of individuals’ dates of birth within a country. This system empowers administrators to easily access and review the comprehensive dataset of citizens’ birth dates.


An Online Birth Certificate System effectively manages and maintains accurate records of individuals’ dates of birth within a country. This system empowers administrators to easily access and review the comprehensive dataset of citizens’ birth dates.

The primary goal of the “Online Birth Certificate System” project is to streamline the registration process for date of birth and facilitate the issuance of birth certificates online, thereby saving significant time for both individuals and administrative staff.

Online Birth Certificate System Project Requirement

Project Name Online Birth Certificate System
Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x
Database MySQL 5.x
Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA
Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone)

In Online Birth Certificate System we use PHP and MySQL Database. This project has two modules i.e. admin and user.

Online DJ Management System Module

In Online DJ Booking Management System project we use PHP and MySQL database. It has two modules.

Admin Module

1.Home: In this section, administrators can conveniently review the aggregate statistics, including the total number of new applications, the total number of verified applications, and the total number of rejected applications.

2. Birth Application: Within this section, administrators have the capability to access detailed information about individual applications and possess the authority to modify the application status as per the current state.

3. Reports: In this section, administrators can access application details within a specific time frame, enabling them to efficiently manage and track applications processed during that period.

4. Search: In this section, administrators have the ability to search for applications using customer application details. Additionally, they can update their own profile information, change their password, and utilize password recovery functionalities for enhanced security and convenience.

User Module

1. Home Page: This section serves as the welcome page of the web application, providing users with an initial introduction and orientation to the platform’s features and functionalities.

2. Birth Reg Form: In this section, users are presented with a form to input details required for a birth certificate application. Additionally, they can track the status of their application, ensuring transparency and efficiency throughout the process.

3. Certificate: In this section, users have the option to print verified birth certificates, facilitating easy access to official documentation whenever needed.

Users are provided with the functionality to update their profiles, change passwords, and recover lost passwords for enhanced account management and security.


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