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SPRWORK Infosolutions

Complaint Management System Pro version


Introducing the Complaint Management System Pro, powered by PHP and MySQL. This advanced version is meticulously crafted to revolutionize the way organizations handle complaints, ensuring efficiency, transparency, and customer satisfaction.


This website serves as an advanced online micro-insurance analysis and information management system, granting users seamless access to crucial data concerning insurance policies and resources. Far from static, it boasts dynamic functionalities such as user registration and the ability to apply for policies online.

Project Name Insurance Management System (IMS)
Language Used   PHP5.6, PHP7.x
Database MySQL 5.x
User Interface Design   HTML, AJAX, jQuery, JavaScript
Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, Opera
Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp / Lamp (anyone)

User Module

In this module, there are two sections:

  1. Insurance:

    This section enables users to apply for policies and track the approval or rejection status (determined by the admin).

  2. Support Tickets:

    Users can submit tickets to address complaints and monitor their resolution status. Additionally, users have the ability to update their profiles, change passwords, and recover forgotten passwords.

Admin Module

This module encompasses nine sections:

  1. Dashboard:

    Provides a concise overview of all system details for the admin.

  2. Insurance Categories:

    Enables admin to manage insurance categories by adding and updating them.

  3. Insurance Subcategories:

    Allows admin to oversee and modify subcategories within the insurance system.

  4. Insurance Policies:

    Facilitates admin in managing insurance policies, including adding and updating them.

  5. User Details:

    Gives admin access to manage all user-related information.

  6. Policy Holders:

    Empowers admin to oversee all insured policies, with the ability to view policies based on status (pending, approved, disapproved) and approve pending policies.

  7. Tickets:

    Provides admin with a detailed view of user-raised issues, allowing for remark updates on specific tickets.

  8. Reports:

    Enables the generation of reports between specified dates regarding ticket generation and policy requests.

  9. Search:

    Equips admin with a search function to locate specific tickets and policies efficiently.



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