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Contact form with mail function and Storing data in the database


The combination of a contact form with email functionality and database storage creates a robust communication channel that enhances user engagement, facilitates efficient data management, and ensures reliable communication between users and administrators.


Contact form with mail function Project Requirement

Project Name Contact form with mail function and Storing data in the database
Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x
Database MySQL 5.x
Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA
Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone)

Contact form with mail function and Storing in the database project has two modules:

  • User Module
  • Admin Module

User Module

  • create an HTML for user inputs. index.php
  • MySQL database connection
  • Insert Data into Database
  • MySQL database connection

Admin Module

Admin Panel Features

  • Secure login with password hashing
  • Admin Dashboard
  • Manage Contact’s
  • Report’s
  • Update Remark on the particular contact
  • Notification feature(Admin can get the notification on every contact)
  • Admin Can update email id where he/she want to receive email.
  • Change Password.
  • Logout.

Note: In this project, both the admin and user will receive a copy of the contact form via email. However, please note that the email function will not work on localhost environments.


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