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Employee Record Management System


the Employee Record Management System project represents a modern and efficient solution for organizations looking to streamline their HR processes, minimize paperwork, and transition to digital record-keeping. By centralizing employee data online, companies can enhance productivity, data security, and overall operational effectiveness.


Employee Record Management System Project Requirement

Project Name Employee Record Management System
Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x
Database MySQL 5.x
Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA
Software XAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone)

the Employee Record Management System project represents a modern and efficient solution for organizations looking to streamline their HR processes, minimize paperwork, and transition to digital record-keeping. By centralizing employee data online, companies can enhance productivity, data security, and overall operational effectiveness.

Employee Record Management System project is divided in two modules :

  • User Module
  • Admin Module

User Module

  • Users have the ability to register themselves.
  • User login
  • Users can initiate the password recovery process.
  • Users have the capability to add or edit their own work experience details.
  • Users have the capability to add or edit their own education details.
  • Users have the ability to edit their own profiles.
  • Users can update their own passwords.
  • Logout

Admin Module

  • Admin Login
  • Administrators have the capability to manage all employee records.
  • Administrators have the authority to update or edit user personal details, work experience details, and education information.
  • Administrators have the ability to delete employees and their corresponding records from the system.
  • Administrators have the capability to update their own profiles.
  • Change password
  • Logout


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